A Better Maryland is Possible: Imagining a More Just Maryland This Maryland Day

Baltimore Action Legal Team operates within the ancestral lands of the Piscataway and Susquehannock Nations. 

In recognition of Maryland Day and its painful colonial settler origins, we encourage you to ponder the question, what could a more just Maryland look like?

The work towards change starts with imagination; setting a vision for what makes a better future in Maryland. The other half of the work is organizing with those who share in that collective vision. 

Interrupting Criminalization offers resources to answer the questions that arise when we imagine a world where we address harm in our communities outside of courts: “Even if we restructured society so everyone’s material needs were met, conflict and harm will still occur. So what do we do about that? How can we imagine other ways of preventing, evaluating and adjudicating harm beyond criminal or civil courts?” 

Interrupting Criminalization compiles and reports the following framework from organizers and activists to help us to imagine a Maryland: 

  • Adjudication: Why have a process for dealing with harm when it happens? 

  • Defining harm: Harm is the responsibility of the entire community, not an individual experience. 

  • Accountability, responsibility and Consequences: How do we learn to take responsibility for when we cause harm? 

  • Participation, labor: Who does the majority of the work land on? How can that labor be distributed?

All of us at BALT recognize that a people powered movement is the only way towards a more perfect Maryland. 

“When you think of the role of law in achieving justice, a lot of people truly buy into that myth that through the law we can shift power because that's what's needed and I think a lot of people feel like it's a legal solution. The history has told us time and time again that that’s not right, it’s a people solution,” Iman Freeman, BALT executive director. 

For BALT, a more just Maryland is one where Black people use their power to determine justice in their own communities. What does a more just Maryland look like to you? 

BALT and BAAA Release Know Your Rights & Protest Safety Zine

We are thrilled to announce the release of our Know Your Rights and Protest Safety Zine in collaboration with Baltimore Artists Against Apartheid! This resource is a practical guide to protecting your rights as a protester/organizer. Please read, download, print and share widely from the link below!

This zine covers...

  • What to do when a cop stops you.

  • What to do if you are detained.

  • How to invoke your Miranda Rights.

  • How to protect your rights during a police search.

  • What to do if you are asked to identify yourself.

  • Your rights during a protest.

  • What to do if you are arrested. 

  • Your right to a bail hearing.

  • What to do if your rights are violated by the police. 

  • Collection of migrant rights resources in a range of languages.

  • What to bring/what not to bring to a protest.

  • Pre-protest safety checklist

Thank you to the talented artists at Baltimore Artists Against Apartheid for the vision and artistic direction.

And, of course, this project would not have been possible without the generosity and support of our donors. Thank you !

Black History Month 2025 x BALT 10 Year

As we wrap up Black History Month, it is clear that history repeated time and time again has brought us to this current moment. 2025 marks 10 years since the senseless murder of Freddie Gray and subsequent Baltimore Uprising. What happened 10 years ago was not unique, but a piece of the larger history of black uprisings in America brought upon by white political violence, police escalation and instigation. 

2025 also marks BALT’s 10th year of operation, formed in response to the unrest in Baltimore after years of mistreatment at the hands of BPD. Even ten years after Freddie Gray lost his life, we are still combating and fighting a lot of the same issues that we had before. 

The Baltimore Uprising and subsequent formation of BALT 10 years ago is a part of a long history of unrest. There is no easy answer to end racist, violent policing, but a movement maintained and fought together weakens the status quo.  

Learn More:

  • The New Yorker: “The Unknown History of Black Uprisings” by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

    “In a new book, the historian Elizabeth Hinton reveals that, in the late sixties and early seventies, there were hundreds of local rebellions against white violence and racial inequality.”

  • “America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence & Black Rebellion” by Elizabeth Hinton

    “Black rebellion, America on Fire powerfully illustrates, was born in response to poverty and exclusion, but most immediately in reaction to police violence. In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson launched the “War on Crime,” sending militarized police forces into impoverished Black neighborhoods. Facing increasing surveillance and brutality, residents threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at officers, plundered local businesses, and vandalized exploitative institutions. Hinton draws on exclusive sources to uncover a previously hidden geography of violence in smaller American cities, from York, Pennsylvania, to Cairo, Illinois, to Stockton, California.”

Collaboration Isn’t Just Beneficial: It's Essential for Overcoming Legal Oppression

As we reflect on 2024, all of us at BALT want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of our incredible collaborators. This past year, like every year, has been a testament to the power of partnership. 

At the heart of Baltimore Action Legal Team’s mission lies the unwavering commitment of our exceptional partners. Since 2022, we have been honored to call Penn North Recovery Center and Citizens Policing Project steadfast collaborators. Penn North, with its rich legacy of over three decades, embodies resilience. Their dedication extends beyond the individual, nurturing entire communities towards recovery and equality. Citizens Policing Project, a beacon of advocacy since 2018, champions the voices of marginalized residents, ensuring their concerns and priorities are at the forefront of police reform efforts. As we reflect on our journey, we are endlessly grateful to CPP and Penn North for allowing us to weave deeper connections within our communities and deliver essential legal services to those who need them most. 

2024 welcomed support from collaborations new and old. Our ongoing collaboration with Open Justice Baltimore and the Office of the Public Defender have significantly advanced our legal claims for transparency and justice in police departments. In 2024, our relationship building with local schools, like Harford Heights and Liberty Elementary, has further deepened our outreach efforts, allowing us to share vital free legal resources with families that need them most. Our emerging partnership with Baltimore Safe Haven stands as another thrilling milestone—one that will pave the way for the new legal services we are providing in 2025, specifically focused on name changes for members of the Trans community. 

Lastly, we extend our gratitude to the many collaborators and organizations, including the National Lawyers’ Guild, Baltimore Artists Against Apartheid and the Hopkins Justice Collective, who have strengthened our rapid response efforts. We look forward to continuing these collaborations and embarking on new endeavors, standing together as our community faces new attacks that require bold responses. 

Thank you for believing in the power of partnership and thank you to the following collaborators:

Baltimore Artists Against Apartheid, Baltimore Safe Haven, Baltimore Unity Hall, Center for Criminal Justice Reform at UBalt, Civil Rights Corps, Citizens Policing Project, Harford Heights Elementary School, Hopkins Justice Collective, Jubilee Arts, Law Office of Natalie A. Finegar, Liberty Elementary School, Life After Release, Maryland Legal Aid, Maryland Youth Justice Coalition, Movement Law Lab, National Bail Fund Network, National Lawyers’ Guild, Office of the Public Defender, Open Justice Baltimore, Palestine Legal, Penn North Recovery Center, Public Justice Center, Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, Silver Spring Justice Coalition, Trans Rights Advocacy Coalition, Vanderbilt Law School First Amendment Clinic, Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs

Goodbye X. Hello Bluesky!

BALT has officially left X (formerly Twitter) and joined Blueksy!

Over the past few years, we’ve found ourselves increasingly uncomfortable existing on X as the platform has transformed into an echo chamber for far-right conservatism, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and divisive ideologies that undermine our work and the very people we strive to uplift. We can’t continue to engage with a platform that privileges harmful rhetoric and stifles the voices of our communities.

As an organization that centers Black leadership and advocates for justice and equity, we are committed to using communication tools that align with our vision for a Baltimore where Black people can exercise their power and determine their own justice.

Follow us on Bluesky at @baltlegal.bsky.social!

Be sure to visit our website at https://www.baltimoreactionlegal.org/

We’re still on Instagram and Facebook @baltlegal!

As we find alternative avenues for communication and advocacy, we remain dedicated to fostering an environment where true justice can flourish outside the constraints of platforms that fuel harm.

How Can We Support Our Community Post Election?

Sent in our 11/12/24 newsletter:

Action does not only happen on election years...

We, like many other Baltimoreans, are mourning the results of the 2024 election. We fear for the rights of our LGBTQIA+ siblings, the security of our immigrant neighbors, and the safety of those outside of Maryland without safe, legal access to abortion care. 

While these concerns are at the forefront of our mind after November 6, they are far from new issues. The interconnectivity of these issues and their deep roots in America highlight the importance of the fact that action cannot only be taken during election time; healthy and strong movements rely on our support ESPECIALLY in non-election years.  

Investing in community is the best way to combat our feelings of helplessness and disconnection. Supporting local immigrant justice organizations or Black journalism countering misinformation is more important than ever now.

And of course, your BALT donations support us in providing vital Know Your Rights workshops, posting bail, and holding police accountable in Maryland courts.

We can get through anything as a collective.

As we have fought in the past, we will continue to fight today and tomorrow!

Thank you for being in community with us during this difficult time.

Election wins in Baltimore:

  • Question 1- Reproductive rights are now protected in Maryland’s constitution! This is an incredibly meaningful time to donate to Baltimore Abortion Fund as we anticipate people traveling to Maryland for access to reproductive care.

  • Question E- Baltimore City now has full control of its police department for the first time since 1860. This is a crucial step towards police accountability in Baltimore! 

  • Question G- The state is investing in reparations for those disproportionately impacted by the state’s prohibition of cannabis.

  • Question H- Sinclair failed in their attempt to involve themselves in city politics! Baltimore City Council will continue to represent 14 districts.

While silver linings feel hard to grasp right now, Baltimore has a lot to celebrate this election and we are proud to see many hard fought battles won this election season. 

Post Election Resources: