BALT Informing the Community | 2016 Primary Election Information


April 5, 2016: Deadline to register to vote for the primary election. (by 9:00 pm)

April 14, 2016: First day for early voting (in person)

April 19, 2016: Deadline for a registered voter to request a mailed or faxed absentee ballot.

April 21, 2016: Last day for early voting

April 22, 2106: Deadline for a registered voter to request an electronic absentee ballot

Poll Hours

10:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Early Voting)

7:00 AM-8:00 PM (Election Day)

Online Voter Registration

The State of Maryland allows online voter registration: Visit: 

Restoration of Voting Rights

Effective, March 10, 2016, if you have been convicted of a felony and have completed serving a court-ordered sentence of imprisonment, you are eligible to register to vote. If you are on parole or probation, you can still register to vote.